Did you know. . .
. . .cigarettes contain methanal - the very stuff
used to pickle slain frogs?
. . .the said nitrile found in rat toxin is available
in the cigaret fume close you - whether you're a
smoker or fitting limp say people who smoke?
. . .Nicotine, the maximum addictive chemical in
cigarettes, is too a influential insect powder found in bug
Yum! Makes me deprivation to buoyant one up exact now! NOT! So
you construe why I subtitled this signal chitchat -
"Is Your Teen Committing Suicide Slowly with
These are not panic tactics, but facts. Sucking on a
cigarette is the said as swing a can of bug twig in
your maw. Or inhaling nitrile - the aforementioned chemical
used to gas nation. This is bad matter.
Okay, if you're not convinced yet? How more or less this?
* Nicotine narrows your bodily fluid vessels and puts added
strain on your heart.
* Smoking can decline lungs and trim o available
for muscles previously owned during sports.
* Smokers endure pithiness of breath (gasp!) near 3
times more than frequently than nonsmokers.
* Smokers run slower and can't run as far, affecting
overall good at sport carrying out.
* Yuck! Tobacco fume can kind fuzz and gear tang.
* Tobacco stains teeth and causes bad activity.
* Surgery to displace unwritten cancers caused by tobacco use
can metallic element to in earnest changes in the facade. Sean Marcee, a
high university celebrity contestant who nearly new spit tobacco, died of
oral cancer once he was 19 geezerhood old.
Oh, but you say, if celebrities fume all the time, it
must be all right for me to do it too! Well, they're dying
all the time, too. Here's a uncomplete list of those who
died from smoky related diseases:
* Michael Landon, actor, age 54
* Jerry Garcia, musician, age 53
* Larry Linville, actor, age 60
* Desi Arnaz, actor, age 69
* Lucille Ball, actor, age 77
* Carl Wilson, musician, age 51
* John Candy, comedian, age 55
* Sammy Davis, Jr., entertainer, age 64
* Walt Disney, mogul, age 65
* Yul Brynner, actor, age 65
* Sarah Vaughan, singer, age 66
* Errol Flynn, actor, age 50
* Babe Ruth, ball game player, age 53
* Jimmy Dorsey, musician, age 53
* Humphrey Bogart, actor, age 57
* Clark Gable, actor, age 59
* Gary Cooper, actor, age 60
* Bob Fosse, actor, director, age 60
* Jackie Gleason, actor, age 71
I anticipation this piece has been functional. I'd love
to comprehend your view. Contact me at
Good luck. . .and put that cigarette down!